Who are we ?

The Moyross Residents Alliance are a committee dedicated to ensuring that the Moyross Area is brought up to a standard that people can look back and be respectable about, we are a group of non-payed local residents, living in the area with one common goal, one that ensures our future is secure and creating a place we can all be proud of.

What do we do ?

Our mission is to help the people of Moyross get back what they deserve and to create momentum on the Regeneration that has been talked about for so many years, many people do not know their rights, do not know how to fight back and many do not have have the willpower to do so, we are here to help those who need it.

How do we do it ?

Information is a key asset in everybodys arsenal, one that the Regeneration and Council keep forgetting to provide, most people are unaware of the things happening around them and with that we provide an up-to-date website with the information that people need, We have held many non-profit events in the past that have always had a massive audience and a great outcome with all money made going to great causes and organisation, we will continue to fullfill the duty to the people and will keep them up to date on information.