10th Anniversary of our Memorial garden in Delmege Park!
Posted 7 years ago, 10 Aug 2017
by Cathal Mc Carthy
The chairperson of the MRA , Tom Daly would like to thank the following people for the upkeep, effort and loyalty to our garden of rememberance here in Moyross , Jason Hamilton , Fr. Paulos , Br. Sean , Cathal McCarthy, Angela & Dave McNamara, Deirdre Murphy and the rest of his supportive family who were behind this project from day one! A special thanks to Jamie Daly who has given the community some remarkable events to reminisce on over the years (Stars in the Hood , The Limerick Toyshow, Monks vs. guards) ! Here we are 10 years on and still our garden is a credit to us all and gives us a little bit of joy each day when we visit this all started from the rough plan pictured a few years back which was drawn up by Tom Daly. I'd also like to thank Lisa Daly for the artwork done in the garden over the years especially for our handprint murial on the wall of the garden which includes all the kids in the communities handprints this holds a special place in our hearts to have them involved. And last but not least Rest in Peace to our local lads that tragically lost their lives, We hope that their families find peace in our garden and feel safe and at home these boys will never be forgotten. We also would like to extend an invite to the residence to attend a gathering for the fransiscan friars on Friday the 18th of august as they will be celebrating 10 years here, All are welcome! Thanks to everyone that made it happen , lent a hand , and donated were forever grateful! Moyross residence alliance committee