A Christmas Fairytale
Posted 5 years ago, 09 Dec 2019
by Cathal Mc Carthy
Hello everybody ! Its been awhile since our last update and we are delighted to leave everyone know about the update on our brand new memorial garden. We are so proud to be sponsors of the official opening of the new garden which will kick off with this years biggest christmas event 'A Christmas Fairytale' and we are thrilled to be working with Asteroid Entertainment alongside Jamie Daly who has run some fantastic events including Starz In The Hood , Limerick Toyshow. Frankie Daly Cllr, Alan Daly and others to bring a christmas nobody will ever forget to your doorstep here in Moyross. Lets not forget where it all started all those years ago , An empty plot that the community came together with their hearts and efforts to make something beautiful where those near and dear could feel comfort , And peace with their own thoughts in prayer. The help wasn't there for us so we made it possible for ourselves as a group of people standing together for what they believe in and wanted to remember our lost youths over the years. Then we added a memorial plot for all our fallen hero's of the 1916 rising as so many of our loved ones fought for the rights , and voices that we have today and were taken from us through there heroic actions. Here we are now with a new garden , Yes our old memorial garden was taken away and all we asked for in return was for that safe place to be restored and to be given the support and co-operation that we could have done with many years ago by them rebuilding what they took, Not a penny was exchanged for the trade as we highlighted before all it was ever about for us was having a place to go to be at peace and remember those who are gone and that has been done justice. So here's to the future! We look forward to speaking/meeting many of you on Sunday from 1-6 @the memorial garden in Delmege Park! It will be a fun filled day for everyone and every childs dream come true .. We will see you all there! Have A Merry Christmas!