Garden of remembrance celebration gathering for Christmas!
Posted 7 years ago, 20 Dec 2017
by Cathal Mc Carthy
We had a lovely day filled with laughter and joy within the community on Saturday the 16th of December with our kids and surrounding families to enjoy a prayer ceremony carried out by the San Franciscan friars who we would like to thank for being apart of these special occasions for us . All of the children loved decorating the tree and working together to give the garden the christmas spirit that we all need this time of year , It's important to remember that Christmas isn't about whats under the tree its who's around it so lets all be appreciate of what we have and empathetic to those that don't. The Garden of Remembrance has and always will be open to EVERYBODY from any areas to enjoy a prayer or just some thinking time. All our hardwork and efforts goes into making our garden an escape for people to have their own time out whether its a busy schedule or an overthinking mind. We hope to continue to better and grow this project as the years go on, This was built from the ground up with our own money, time , and love so please nobody be under the illusion that we receive funding from the council as it is a blatant lie carried by begrudgers , This is what we are fighting for as the help would do us so much good but they have not wanted to be apart of it , But we won't let that stop us from doing something that we believe in. On an ending note we here at the Moyross Residence Alliance would like to say may the blessing of god be with you & your families this Christmas and here's to a great New Year!