Getting Work For Locals
Posted 12 years ago, 26 Nov 2012
by Martin Halloran
It has come to the attention of the MRA that locals are being denied work in the demolition and building of walls etc in st. Mary's Park. Residents are dismayed that the health and safety with Kelly demolition is nil in st. Mary's park. The MRA was unendated with calls from people in st Mary's Park complaining about the health and safety standards Kelly's Demolition are upholding. So for gods sake before someone is killed or injured will the people over Regeneration Mr. Oliver O Loughlin try and get onto Kelly's Demolition and to get them to uphold the proper standards of Health and Safety and also try to get them to hire locals. The people of Moyross had terrible problems with Kelly's Demolition in Moyross in which one child was lucky, she was nearly knocked down by one of their trucks which can be seen further back the news page and also in the press release called Issues With Health And Safety. Local tradesmen approached Fonsie Kelly of Kelly Demolition to ask would he take on locals, the tradesmen got this answer from Mr Kelly ''We haven't got work for ourselves'' which we thought was a disgrace. Mr Kelly always seems to have this attitude of not employing locals said Tom Daly. We have a signed statement from Thomas O Kelly stating that he is willing to provide local employment where possible in Regeneration areas as you can see below. So we say to Kelly Demolition if you can not do a job safely and can not keep the health and safety of the residents in the Regeneration areas in mind then do not do the job at all. There was Tinnely Demolition in Moyross and Smiths Demolition and we must say their health and safety was excellent. So why in the honor of God does the Limerick City Council get these cowboy demolition team back are Kelly's cheaper than the other professionals? Or is it that they do not like to keep health and safety of our residents in mind. Yours Sincerely, Chairperson Tom Daly and Vice Chair Martin O Halloran.