Meeting discussing future plans for residents of Moyross (Pineview Gardens)
Posted 2 years ago, 03 Jul 2022
by Cathal Mc Carthy
As Moyross undergoes alot of changes to restore the community and be opened up to more opportunities with the building of many new homes 61 to be exact, Refurbishments for current tenants down the line and 99 new builds. Regardless of the bumpy start with these changes the Moyross Residence Alliance were pleased to be met personally by Fiona of Limerick County Council & Regeneration to explain what the future holds and what these new plans entail, Fiona had the curtesy to speak one to one with our chairperson Tommy Daly and in detail explained that although certain expectations couldn't be met , the outcome of 61 houses being retained was the best outcome & compromise between the council and current residents of Pineview as they had to meet in the middle and find common ground. We see this as a bright future for Moyross and feel that many opportunities will arise with the plans in place for the near future , This will also open alot of doors for employment for locals which is something extremely important for our youth. Our purpose as an alliance is to always represent our community the best way we can , Everything we do is voluntary and we don't gain anything except for helping our own, All our opinions posted on our website are our own & only our own we are aware that sometimes they may differ to others but all in all everyone's goal should be the same which is fighting for a better for our children , elderly and community here in Moyross. We'd like to thank Alec Morissey , Willie O'Dea , Philip Power , Jamie Daly & everyone else involved who have fought for this outcome.