Nice Attitude Mr Kenny

Posted 13 years ago, 09 Feb 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

The Chairperson of the MRA and LRA Tom Daly could not believe Mr. Kenny when he said he does not have to answer to anybody. This is a disgrace said Mr. Daly. Of course he has to answer to the people of these estates. It is our lives and our kids and grand kids lives he is dealing with. Mr Kenny was asked to get involved with the residents of moyross and other areas and it was to get involved with the youth in projects like the community garden in Delmege Park but he would not help nor contribute towards it. The LRA and the MRA had to do it out of their own pockets. Many other big events going back over the last 3 years which were a big success the like of Stars In The Hood, Monks V The Guards, The Limerick Toy Shows sponsored by the Asteroid Entertainment, Limerick Regeneration Association and The Moyross Residents Alliance. He was asked to sponsor these which came under the social regeneration banner to help the kids, but no he declined. These events made welcomed money for charities that are cash strapped at the moment the likes of Cancer Research, Special Olympics, Crumlin Hospital For Sick Children, Limerick Youth Service, St. Vincent De Paul Limerick, St. Munchins Center, Arch Unit Regional Hospital and 5000 worth of toys to Barnardos. There was an awful amount of work put into these events by events manager Jamie Daly, Martin O Halloran, Tom Daly and the rest of the committee in which we want to thank them for as we could not have done it without their help and there was a lot of smiling happy kids at these events. So when Mr. Kenny did not sponsor these events we knew then that he had no interest in the locals in these areas. We would like to thank Limerick City Council and all the other small business that helped us in making these events the success they were. It is great to see the Limerick people come on board with their own. We do accept that Mr. Kenny did do some things for the regeneration of our estates in Limerick but he could have done a lot more and he could have stopped his second in command Mr. Hayden going on local papers and portraying people of these areas as factions. You would swear we were in Iraq of some place like it. Also Mr Paul Foley should have been involved with this Regeneration project to the end of Mr. Kenny's term as he worked with the people and he would come in and sit down and talk to the people and listen to their issues and worries they had and it always seemed to have been worked out. We were told in the Fitzgerald Report that it was a build and knock project. That never materialized, we were supposed to see our new houses built right in front of us. All we got was tenants and home owners displaced, our school pupils dwindling, broken down infrastructures in our areas Big Empty Gaps. We hope this will all change and we are looking forward to working with our new minister Jan O Sullivan as she has promised to go into dialogue and work with the communities and residents in these areas and that is the way to go forward as the LRA and MRA have worked with Limerick City Council and things worked out.