Residents welcome Delmege Park revamp of houses
Posted 11 years ago, 17 Oct 2013
by Mark Hester
Tom Daly would like to thank, Michael Kelly and the Limerick City Council, for looking after the elderly residents and rehousing them in Delmege Park, the houses are now insulated, gas heating, fitted kitchens and being fully decorated. "It is great to see the regeneration going forward with their plans and to see them working with the residents" said Tom Daly.(Chairperson of MRA) We hope to see in the not so distant future, the road connecting to the motorway completed as we only have 60 houses left in Delmege Park, it would be a good idea if houses that are to be demolished were knocked and than people can see real regeneration taking place. Which would be great going forward, It is great to see the houses being occupied again and good neighbors being moved in to our community, we are working hand in hand with the Limerick City Council to try and get issues for the Residents of Moyross sorted out.