Unknown Title

Posted 13 years ago, 25 Jun 2011 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Due to a monthly meeting with the MRA today full committee meeting with home owners and tenants we would like to thank the following government ministers who acceded to our urgent request. Our request was exceeding the demolition of derelict houses. The following are: Willie Penrose TD Minister for housing and planning, Alan Shatter Minister for Justice and Law Equality, Jan O Sullivan Minister for Trade and Development. We are also in receipt of official letters from the above involving the building of our new houses. As the people now can see our regeneration of Moyross and other areas is going forward especially given the green light to commence the building in Cliona Park. This is the first of 26 construction projects spread over the regeneration areas costing 337 million that hopefully will now be built over the next four and a half years. We would like to quote on Mr Kenny's statement "the majority of the families of Moyross and other regeneration areas have stayed in the city, while a small number have moved to rural areas of Limerick and Clare". We find this offending by Mr. Kenny as we have a good number of tenants and home owners who were refused to move into rural areas. These tenants and home owners were law abiding and hard working citizens. Tom Baker. When Chairperson Tom Daly questioned Mr. Kenny in Corpus Christi Church he asked him about the prices that he quoted onto one home owner for his house. The price the home owner was offered was 75 thousand euros by Mr. Paul Foley but when the home owner came out of hospital 2 weeks later Mr. Kenny offered the home owner 30 thousand euros and said what do you expect for your dwelling your living in a " mini Baghdad ". We find this very insulting as at least when we are dealing with city council we are getting straight answers and not lies as we have found Mr. Kenny out in many of his lies even on National radio. We also have to question Chairperson of their so called forum Ms. Bond as she said on National Tv "she represents all the people in Moyross” which is crazy said Mr. Daly. He or the committee of the MRA and its residents never heard of Ms. Bond. So it’s about time Mr. Kenny got his act together and start working with the people in Moyross and especially the Moyross Residents Alliance who is working hand in hand with Limerick City Council and Michael Kelly of Northside Regeneration Agency in taking Regeneration process forward.

Unknown Title

Posted 13 years ago, 24 Jun 2011 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Mr Daly was down at the signing of the contracts today for the building of Cliona Park in Watch House Cross the Regeneration offices which was supposed to be on at 2:30 but was put back between 11:00 and 11:30? Wonder Why? Mr Daly can now tell the people of Moyross in speaking to engineers representing Clancy's Builders that the ground work will commence after the builders holidays first Tuesday of August. Also Mr Daly would like to congratulate Clancy's Builders for getting this contract, Mr Daly stated to the people representing Clancy's on this memorious day which is one of the biggest days in the history of Limerick that we look forward to working with them and also help them any way we can. Mr Daly and the people of Moyross can not understand that it was all done behind closed doors. Tom Daly said it was "Disgraceful in the way it was handled by Mr. Kenny and company " after all it is our futures that are at steak in this Regeneration process. And again our own people on Mr. Kenny's forum have left the people down, everyone in the Regeneration area's should have been invited and have a public meeting and that people could ask questions again Mr. Kenny the people of Moyross can not believe you have done that, but it calls in again to question your leadership and your family and people working with you on your agency from Dublin but maybe we just have to put up with it a bit longer as your contract expires shortly and maybe we can get Limerick people on the Regeneration agency board headed by Paul Foley. So the best of luck to us here in Moyross and all the Regeneration areas as god only knows we need it. Chairperson of the MRA Tom Daly.

New Moyross Contracts Signed

Posted 13 years ago, 24 Jun 2011 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

Chairperson of the MRA, Mr Tommy Daly was down at the signing of the contracts today for the building of Cliona Park in Watch House Cross the Regeneration offices which he was informed would be on at 2:30 but was brought forward to 11:30? Wonder Why? Mr Daly can now tell the people of Moyross, from speaking to engineers representing Clancy's Builders, that the ground work will commence after the builders holidays first Tuesday of August. Also Mr Daly would like to congratulate Clancy's Builders for getting this contract, Mr Daly stated to the people representing Clancy's on this memorious day, which is one of the biggest days in the history of Limerick, that the MRA looks forward to working with them and will help them any way we can. Mr Daly and the people of Moyross cannot understand why it was all done behind closed doors. "It was disgraceful in the way it was handled by Mr. Kenny and company after all it is our futures that are at steak in this Regeneration process. And again our own people on Mr. Kenny's forum have left the people down, everyone in the Regeneration area's should have been invited and have a public meeting and that people could ask questions again Mr. Kenny the people of Moyross can not believe you have done that, but it calls in again to question your leadership and your family and people working with you on your agency from Dublin, but maybe we just have to put up with it a bit longer as your contract expires shortly and maybe we can get Limerick people on the Regeneration agency board headed by Paul Foley. So the best of luck to us here in Moyross and all the Regeneration areas as god only knows we need it." said Mr. Daly.

Our thanks to new government ministers

Posted 13 years ago, 24 Jun 2011 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

At our monthly meeting with the MRA committee today, meeting with home owners and tenants, we would like to thank the following government ministers who acceded to our urgent request. Our request for the demolition of derelict houses. The following are: Willie Penrose TD Minister for housing and planning, Alan Shatter Minister for Justice and Law Equality, Jan O Sullivan Minister for Trade and Development. We are also in receipt of official letters from the above involving the building of our new houses. As the people now can see the regeneration of Moyross and other areas is going forward especially given the green light to commence the building in Cliona Park. This is the first of 26 construction projects spread over the regeneration areas costing 337 million that hopefully will now be built over the next four and a half years. "We would like to quote Mr Kenny's statement 'the majority of the families of Moyross and other regeneration areas have stayed in the city, while a small number have moved to rural areas of Limerick and Clare'. We find this offensive as we have a good number of tenants and home owners who were refused to move into rural areas. These tenants and home owners were law abiding and hard working citizens." said MRA Vice Chairperson Tom Baker. When Chairperson Tom Daly questioned Mr. Kenny in Corpus Christi Church he asked him about the prices that he quoted onto one home owner for his house. The price the home owner was offered was €75,000 by Mr. Paul Foley (former Northside Director of Regeneration) but when the home owner came out of hospital 2 weeks later Mr. Kenny offered the home owner €30,000 and said what do you expect for your dwelling your living in a " mini Baghdad ". "We find this very insulting as at least when we are dealing with City Council we are getting straight answers and not lies as we have found Mr. Kenny out in many of his lies even on National radio. We also have to question Chairperson of their so called forum Ms. Bond as she said on National TV"she represents all the people in Moyross” which is crazy said Mr. Daly. He or the committee of the MRA and its residents never heard of Ms. Bond. So it’s about time Mr. Kenny got his act together and start working with the people in Moyross and especially the Moyross Residents Alliance who is working hand in hand with Limerick City Council and Michael Kelly of Northside Regeneration Agency in taking Regeneration process forward." said MRA Chairperson Tommy Daly

Unknown Title

Posted 13 years ago, 23 Jun 2011 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

The MRA would like to acknowledge and thank Limerick City Council and North side Regeneration Agency for the brilliant work they are doing with the demolition of houses in Moyross. We would also like to thank Tinnelly's Demolition for their excellence in Health and Safety work they are caring out through these demolitions and again thank them for hiring locals. The MRA would like to thank Mr. Chris Duhig for all the hard work he is doing in going around and knocking at doors with Mr Daly Chairperson of MRA and getting into dialogue with tenants and owners and getting the houses knocked beside them. He is the only one in the Moyross forum who is sitting down with people and explaining to them what is happening, unfortunately people do not acknowledge what he is doing so keep up the good work Chris. The people of all Regeneration areas need more people like you. The MRA would also like to thank Mr Paul Foley for all the hard work he put into getting the hand ball alleys and the astra turf surface redone for us and Michael O Kelly who put allot of time into it. These people can not be forgotten as these are the people who stood with us and brought Regeneration forward, unfortunately it was slow but we are getting there slowly but surely. It won’t be long more now and the new apartments and houses in Cliona Park will be starting. The MRA would like to thank the block layers and plasterers who built St. Francis community garden which was funded by Tom Daly Chairperson of the MRA and also thank Jason Hamilton and the Monks for the work they have done for us. This community garden shows what can be built by the people in bad times. We would also like to thank Mike Griffin and Delores for helping with Tom Daly with the upkeep of the garden and feeding of the ducks and hens. We would also like to thank Frank Ryan for the water and electricity and of course our local electrician Declan Carroll who done all the wiring of the garden for us. Tom Daly walked around Moyross on Monday evening and you could see the difference with all the boarded houses gone. This is what Regeneration is about. We hope shortly to have the shop knocked in Delmege Park and there is also another private house down from the shop. The MRA are negotiating with the owner of the house in hope to get it knocked within the next few weeks. So the MRA says to all its residents to do their bit and help the Regeneration process going forward.

Unknown Title

Posted 13 years ago, 12 Jun 2011 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Due to a meeting with businessman Ray O Halloran of speedline engineering. Thomas Daly Chairperson of the MRA understand that Mr O Halloran got planning permission for trading units beside his own business in Moyross to facilitate from 50 to 100 youths and train them in different areas of work, if one youth did not like one project they could put him onto another, something like they done in England and Scotland where it was a big success. As I understood this project was supposed to be funded by the Regeneration for 5 years but this fell through as Regeneration Agency went back on their original offer which put Mr. O Halloran in a very embarrassing position. So we the people of the regeneration areas thought this would have been a big success and these youths could have got courses with Mr. O Halloran project which would help them and build them up to get a degree in what they liked and possibly get them places where they could find employment so we do not know why the Regeneration and the government did not get behind Mr. O Halloran and help him and give him the funding he needs. That makes sense. After all Mr. O Halloran was putting his own money into this as well. Chairperson of MRA Tom Daly.

MRA Fights for local employment

Posted 13 years ago, 02 Jun 2011 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

Certain individuals within the Regeneration Agency and the Council have made statements that Moyross people are not willing to work. The MRA has come up with a list of names people who are willing to work and get off of the dole. Dave Mc Namara (Labourer) James Mc Namara (Labourer) Peter Ryan (Labourer) Robert Ryan (Rubbish Removal) Gary Ryan (Tiler) Ger Ryan (Blocklayer) Ger Duffy (Blocklayer) Mike Downing (Blocklayer) Dean O' Dell (Labourer) Philip O Dwyer (Labourer) Alan Duwig (Blocklayer) Chris Duwig (Blocklayer) Shane Duwig (Blocklayer) Declan Duggan (Plasterer) Sean Fitz (Plasterer) Keith Ryan (Labourer) Martin O Halloran (Labourer) Thomas Daly Jnr. (Labourer) Johnaton Daly (Labourer) James Daly (Labourer) Ger Duffy (Fireplace Fitter) Pat Peneal (Blocklayer) Anthony Huty (Carpenter) Philip Power (Labourer) Chris Duwig Jnr. (Blocklayer) Robbie Gnee (Carpenter) Flan Mc (Blocklayer) Ollie Casey (Groundwork) Tommy Coleman (Groundwork) Barry Blake (Labourer) Dermot Power (Digger Driver) Ger Healy (Plasterer) Clem Healy (Plasterer) John Hughes (Labourer) Gary Hughes (Plasterer) Halla (Labourer) Ger o Brien (Plasterer) Eugine Cloghain (Plasterer) Andrew Bedford (Groundwork) Declan Price (Scaffolding) Gary O Mahony (Teleport Driver) Paul McGrath (Blocklayer) Ray Denfrey (Labourer) Gary Richardson (Labourer) Paul Quinn (Labourer) Shane o Connell (Labourer) Grant Murphy (Painter) Sean Hayes (Labourer) Paddy Hayes (Painter) Michael Hayes (Labourer) Niall Hayes (Painter) Gareth Ryan (Labourer) John Twomey (Tiler) Kenneth Griffin (Blocklayer) Eugine Griffin (Blocklayer) Greg Griffin (Blocklayer) Noel Griffin Ger Walters (Blocklayer) Martin Lyons (Blocklayer) Ken Bourke (Carpenter) James Conway (Carpenter) Peter Ryan (Labourer) Garry Ryan (Waste Disposal) Mike Mannion (Teleport Driver) Dermot Fitz (Labourer) Dessie Fitz (Labourer) Poppie Fitz (Labourer) Mike o Brien (Labourer) Jason Lynch (Labourer) Sean Hogan (Labourer) and many many more persons that did not add their name to the list that we know are willing to work in Delmege Park and surrounding areas of Limerick. -