Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 21 Jun 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

As we know the Friars in Moyross have their summer camp coming up, now these people do not get any money from no one, they do this out of their own pockets and the people that are involved with them such as the volunteers. Now Mr. Daly in a meeting with Mr. Kenny last year where Mr. Kenny promised he would give One Thousand Euro the Monks to help them with expenses for the couple of weeks. They made them fill out all of the application forms in which Brother Thomas done and handed them in to Mr. Kenny but the money never materialized which was a disgrace said Mr. Daly. Mr. Kenny didn't have the decency to write back to them. We find this is not doing our community any good as this comes under social regeneration. It is getting the kids off of the road for the 14 days and getting them involved in Events such as Mountain Climbing, Camping etc. Why in the honor of god are they not helping these people. The MRA is a self efficient alliance which was put in by the people and we can donate and help them with the expenses. We hope to god the new CEO of regeneration Oliver Loughlin will help these people as we are in very hard times and they are finding it hard to cope also.

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Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 20 Jun 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Members of the MRA cleaning up the square and cutting the lawns in Delmege Park and keeping the place tidy as we always do. We also look after our garden. There are some photos here of Angela and David Mc Namara planting flowers as we put in new flower beds and also Jade Daly watering the flowers and kids playing in the garden on the swing. This is what regeneration should be about, Community Participation and getting involved. The Delmege Park Community Garden is a garden built by the people, we put all of our own money into it. The Moyross Community Centre Garden has nothing to do with our garden and do not represent any of our issues down here. Moyross seems to stop at the Community Centre anyway, they forget about the rest of the people beyond that point.

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Poor Foundation

Posted 12 years ago, 16 Jun 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Thank you very much Mr. Kenny. You left the people of Delmege Park a great hobby before you left, Catching Rats!. Which now are nesting in the boarded up houses of Delmege Park and also Limerick City Council and their demolishers left the foundations of 3 bungalows in Delmege Park in which is Rat Infested. This is a disgrace said Tom Daly Chairperson of the MRA. Tom is unendated with calls from people ringing him up complaining about the rats. You can actually see the rats coming up from the foundations at night. This can not be tolerated. You can actually walk along the footpaths that are supposed to be taken up and also the foundations of the house. The skimmed the foundations with a bit of dirt and left it at that. It would only happen in our community of Moyross but all of this is being documented. There are photos being taken and sent over to the E.U because we are not going put up with this. We want all of the foundations taken up and done properly. It is only a matter of time before a child falls and injures his or her arms, legs or worse. We wonder who will take responsibility for that, this is why the MRA is highlighting these issues as this is blatantly breaking health and safety rules. Lets see common sense prevail and get this situation sorted out. Pictured below is one of the many Rats caught in our traps and the foundations left by demolishers where the rats are.

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