Opening of 1916 Remembrance Garden in Delmege Park, Moyross

Posted 8 years ago, 28 Jun 2016 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

We had a great day on Saturday the 25th of June, Willie O'Dea TD, Cllr. Frankie Daly and Cathal McCarthy (chairperson of Limerick Regeneration Watch) attended what was a spectacular opening of the remembrance garden for the 1916 heroes. I would like to thank everyone that attended the event and the street party afterwards, thanks to Dee Murphy and Angela McNamara for looking after the food. Here are some photos of the event and we will have a video uploaded to YouTube shortly. Kind regards to everyone. Tom Daly, Chairperson, Moyross Residents' Alliance.

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Updates on Regeneration meeting held in Moyross school

Posted 8 years ago, 18 Jun 2016 by Mark Hester Profile Mark Hester

It was great to see the people of Moyross coming out and bringing issues to light on the new building of apartments in Cliona park, and also the digging up of the roads and footpaths. Obviously, the residence of Cliona park were very critical about the contractors and the health and safety issues and the blatant disregard for people both young and elderly. I can safely say, whats happening to these people would not happen in any other area in Limerick or even Ireland, the MRA has already sent emails to the health and safety department in Dublin, officers came down and looked at the issues in Cliona. Some of them were resolved but now they are back to the way they were. So we are appealing to the council and the office of regeneration, the department of environment to get these issues sorted out for the residence of Cliona and other areas. This is blatantly against all human rights what is happening to them. There is also an issue with the building of apartments in Cosgrave park, they are building on green areas, and the residence there are oblivious about it despite the fact that the council and office of regeneration had implied that the residence knew all about the plans and were happy with them. Why cant the office of regeneration have locals on the regeneration committee and let people have a further insight as to whats going on in their areas, as they have done in Fatima Mansions in Dublin, and also Bally-mun. The people their can have a proper say about what is going on in their own areas. So we had councilors and a TD at the meeting so its up to them now to look after the residence who voted them in and uphold their rights. The MRA would like to thank the organizers of the meeting, Dean Quinn & Ellen Duffy, along with all the other organizers. Im sure there will be alot more meetings to come. Tom Daly Chairperson MRA.

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Posted 8 years ago, 13 Jun 2016 by Mark Hester Profile Mark Hester

Chairperson of the Moyross Residence Alliance Tom Daly, would like to thank, Ger Crawford, Brendan Daly, Steve Marshall, Deirdre Murphy, Jamie Daly, Micheal Goggin, Thomas Daly, Angela and Dave McNamara. We would also like to thank Susan and Niall (The Brickyard in Kileely), for the donation of their lovely stone seat. We would also like to thank Robert Ryan, (Treaty Car Sales). Cathal McCarthy (WGRA) for all the help they provided during the project and also all the kids and residence of Moyross that helped out. A special thankyou to Willie O'Dea T.D and Councellor Frankie Daly for their help and donations. We still have a very strong community out here in moyross, and we hope the opening on 25th of June will be a big success. The garden will be opened by Willie O'Dea, Frankie Daly and Members of the MRA. here is some of the progression photos of our work in the garden: Tom Daly Chairperson - MRA

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