Celebration of the extension we added to our beautiful garden 1 year ago!

Posted 7 years ago, 27 Jun 2017 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

On the 25th of june 2017 we had a day of celebration for the community in Delmege Park to celebrate the extension of the 1916 memoir and lost lives in Moyross , It was a great day for all with the committee coming together to celebrate all the work that has been done since day one of our garden being built and to mark the anniversary of the extension! We had a lovely visit from Fr. Bernadino who had the kindest words for us all and really made a great effort to mark the celebration in our garden on Sunday , which I am so thankful for a beautiful ceremony was carried out and an official blessing of our garden. We hope to have some more gatherings like this in the future , Its great to see everyone enjoying the garden and eachothers company, It really makes all the work we put in worthwhile! A huge thank you to everyone involved and those who could make it on the day!

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Our Tragedies, Our Lives .. Not for others Enterainment!

Posted 7 years ago, 12 Jun 2017 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

The Moyross residence alliance received feedback from residents shortly after the showing of the new short series "Assasins" . As this came to our attention we sat and watched the documentary ourselves and appaled at the results to be found from viewing. In a few short words the producers of this show have used peoples tragedies for ratings without the consent off anybody who lost loved ones, And had to live through these experiences. After a long few years of trying to establish Moyross as the good place it really is , And trying to show how much we've grown and accomplished as a community it's easy to realize that no matter how much amazing work is done the media will always try and take us two steps back. In our opion "Assasins" was a sad attempt to portray Moyross as a terrible love/hate spin off with no consideration for the fact that families sat at home and had to rewatch the worst moments of there lives being acted out without any type of consent for the entertainment of others. Here in Moyross the community love to be apart of REAL documentaries that show awareness and all sides , where you showcase the positives like The Limerick Toyshow , The Community Memorial Garden where their is a kids club held every Wednesday after school for our locals and is a safe place of prayer for our community. We were dissapointed to see that the people who seemed to have the answers to everything were the "fransiscan friars" of Moyross, Our neighbours speaking on behalf of the community when they were not present for the tough times that we had to pull through and put to bed , So to see someone speak with so much certainty on a subject that they have never been through first hand was disappointing to say the least , If we wanted to speak .. WE WOULD HAVE SPOKEN! All in all it was a cheap stunt to slaunder Moyross once again however we will keep growing and coming together to better our community, the youth , and the growth of our home here in Moyross.

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Distributor Road Updates

Posted 7 years ago, 12 Jun 2017 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

It's great to see the councilors have passed and started the progression of the new road project in Moyross. The first phase of the road to coonagh roundabout and knocklasheen has nothing got to do with parteen and the flooding that has been mentioned, They can go ahead with this project immediately as they have the land for same. Hopefully in time the new road project will develop from moyross throughout the dublin road , However our main focus is to end the biggest cul de sac in the city known as delmege park and moyross , To make facilities more accessible for the residents and not have the estates so isolated from carrying out their daily tasks.

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