Local updates happening in Moyross on the run up to Christmas!
Posted 6 years ago, 19 Nov 2018
by Cathal Mc Carthy
Its been awhile since we came on to update people on how the garden is doing, and the going ons in general! We've been busy getting the garden ready for the Christmas holidays like every year there will be alot of preperation going in to it to make it a magical place for everyone. Big thanks to John Ryan who's has helped us tremendously with the upkeep of the square , decorating of the garden and the greenery! Along with Michael Bennett , Jade Daly , Tom Daly and Jamie Daly we couldn't have done it without you. Hopefully coming into the new year the brand new community centre will be finished with so many resources to help everyone in our community so lets make sure we make use of it!! To top it all off Tidy Towns have reached out and lent a helping hand with the garden which is more than we can say for our county council. We will be having our celebration of the holy souls at the end of this week so all our welcome we hope to see ye there! Lastly we would like to extend our congratulations to young boxer Lee Reeves on his debut and brilliant win recently its nice to see one of our own make it!