A Merry Christmas to all!!

Posted 6 years ago, 21 Dec 2018 by Cathal Mc Carthy Profile Cathal Mc Carthy

Tommy Daly chairperson of Moyross Residence Alliance , Would like to wish all the people of Moyross/Limerick a very merry christmas and a happy new year! We hope that the new year brings Joy, Peace and Content to all and hope it's a good one for everyone. This time of year is about reflecting and we feel its only fair to thank all of our own for all of the hard work they've put in to our garden it's still an ongoing project but the effort and help we've gotten from our committee is always the best we could ask for, We can't thank you enough... And on a finishing note let's all remember it's not whats under the tree that matters , it's about who is around it!

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