Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 21 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

The Moyross Residents Alliance would like to thank Gary Daly and Edward Hughes for the very hard work they done on the Community Garden in Delmege Park. When the weather was against us rain and wind, they had to dig up all the center pathways and re do them with concrete and stone, they also put a new floor in the green house. We would also like to thank other members of the MRA for their input and work into this garden. This garden has cost a lot of money and it has been soely sponsored by the MRA to show people what can be done in their area's if they take ownership of these gardens in their area's and look after them. It brings communities together as many people came to our garden and learned from it. This is why the people are proud of our community garden in Delmege. We would like to also thank the people of Moyross who came down to Delmege and gave a hand in the garden, we could go on forever thanking people as the help we got was enormous. So we say to the people in other area's If we can do it, you can do it. There are some pictures below of the ongoing work that has gone on in the last six weeks. We would like to ask the people of Moyross to come out and vote for the Delmege park community garden as it was the first garden to be built by the people of moyross and it also is a memorial garden to two young lads. We would appreciate your vote in the going for gold. So don't forget when the voting starts get on your phone and start texting. We will release the text numbers in due course. Chairperson of the MRA Tom Daly.

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Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 21 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

The MRA Vice Chairperson Martin O Halloran are proud to be sponsors of Ballynanty Rovers football club in sponsoring balls, beacons and vests. We are very proud to be involved with ballynanty as parts of it comes under the regeneration remit aswel. We wish them the very best of luck in the season ahead and we also wish Moyross United the best of luck on their season ahead. Martin o Halloran himself has relations in Ballynanty and Martin is proud to have the MRA involved with them. In the photo below are Secretary of the MRA Deirdre Murphy and Angela McNamara Treasurer of the MRA with manager of Ballynanty Rovers Ray McMahon accepting these balls and beacons etc on behalf of the MRA. Vice Chairperson of the MRA Martin o Halloran.

Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 10 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Members of the MRA and the Delmege Park Community Garden committee putting new pathways down in their lovely garden. This community garden is built by the people of Delmege Park and all of the upkeep is paid for by the Moyross Residents Alliance. The Delmege Park Committee would like to thank the following, Frank Ryan who is paying the light bills in the garden and we would be lost without him as he is bearly surviving himself. Also Franks family who give a great hand in the garden expecially Peter. Also Dave Mc Namara and Angela Mc Namara who looks after the sewing of the flowers and more. Also Tom Daly and his familly and Martin O Halloran and Edward Hughes. The people of Delmge Park are very proud of this garden and it is a memorial garden aswel. We have a lovely new statue of Our Lady in which there will be a blessing in the Garden in August. We will update you on dates as we have them. We were promised funding last year to help pay for the running of the garden by Mr. Kenny but never materialize but we were used to that from Mr. Kenny saying one thing and meaning another. This garden is a garden of hope. It was the first garden to be built in memory of two lads who lost their lives so tragically and when you go into the garden there is just peace and traquillity in there. The kids love going in feeding the ducks and watering the flowers. So it is gonna be a big struggle for the people of Delmege going through hard times but with the help of god we will come through stronger with the help of the people of Delmege Park. Chairperson of the MRA Tom Daly.

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Unknown Title

Posted 12 years ago, 09 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

Members of the Moyross Residents Alliance donating a cheque to Brother Sean of the Franciscan Friars and they hope it will help them pay some of the costs towards helping the kids through the summer camp which is brilliant for the kids. We would like to thank all of the Monks and volunteers and a big thanks to Brother Thomas who put in a awful amount of work into this years summer camp. We also hope that other people and businesses will donate and try to help them as they could do with it. The MRA sent an email to Oliver o Loughlin The new CEO of Regeneration and begged him not to follow in the same footsteps as Mr. Kenny and try to donate something as this comes under social regeneration. There is no one else doing this kind of work so we hope the new CEO comes on board and helps these people. Vice Chair Martin O Halloran.

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illegal Rubish Dumping in Delmege Park

Posted 12 years ago, 09 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

It has come to the attention of the MRA Chairperson Tom Daly that the house hold dumping in Delmege Park is out of control. No wonder there is rat infestation in Delmege Park. There is a field across from 2 boarded houses in Delmege Park and over the ditch there is mounds of rubbish dumped. There are rats as big as cats there and one resident caught a rat in a cage and can be seen on our website mralimerick.com. So why in the honor of god are the council not doing something about this. They got complaints about it because 2 residents already reported it. This is disgraceful said Mr. Daly but again i say it would only happen in Delmege Park. Again as we said before its is like Moyross stops at the Community Center, it has been proved again and again. The people of Delmege, Pineview and Creaval Park are forgotten about as the community stops at the community center. We have an ongoing petition that is going over to the E.U and we are going to carry years of evidence with us on what is happening in Moyross by demoralizing us and forcing good people out of their homes. MRA Chairperson Tom Daly

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Demolition of a Derlict House

Posted 12 years ago, 04 Jul 2012 by Martin Halloran Profile Martin Halloran

The MRA would like to thank Connor O Donoughe for working with the MRA in getting his house number 8 Delmege Park Demolished. The house was in a bad state and was a danger to the kids and if it was not demolished there would have been someone maimed or worse killed. The MRA chairperson Tom Daly had been campaigning for 2 years to have this house demolished and we have to say a very big thank you to Connor O Donoughe and the Staff of Limerick City Council in having this premises demolished. The people are delighted in Delmege Park, there is now no more anti-social and people do not have to worry about the fire brigade being called out at all hours of the night to get the fire in the house quenched. Also big thanks to the Irish Examiner and their reporter Dave Young for his story on the paper and highlighting the issue about the house and the shop in Delmege Park. It is great to have the national media involved as they are the only people who listen to the real truth and what is happening to the people in the regeneration area's.

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